Title: The Crowned Stag Rating: PG Characters: Stannis, Robert, Renly Word Count: 1,409 Summary: Family, and what it means, varies for the three Baratheon brothers.
Title: Old Friend, Old Feelings Rating: R Pairings: Ned/Robert, Robert/OFC Word Count: 732 Summary: Old feelings return when Ned joins Robert to put down Greyjoy's Rebellion.
Title: A Chance Encounter Rating: hard R Pairing: Robert/Cersei Word Count: 937 Summary: Cersei goes out disguised as a commoner and runs into Robert, who doesn't recognize her. Warning: non-con.
Title: Hostess Rating: G Characters: Catelyn, Cersei, Jaime, Ned, Robert Word Count: 1,154 Summary: Catelyn tries to keep Cersei occupied after Robert goes off to whine over Lyanna's tomb.
Title: Unappreciated Rating: PG Characters: Stannis, Renly, Robert Word Count: 501 Summary: Stannis attempts to do his brotherly duty, which goes unappreciated as usual.